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IIVNTP has presented IV micronutrient seminars in Oregon, Washington, California, Colorado, Arizona, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois as well as Ontario and Vancouver, Canada, London, U.K., Mexico and Taiwan. Our team of IV Therapy instructors have between 8 and 20 years teaching experience and the combined IV administration experience is in excess of 60 years. Visit our Contact page for our email address, phone number and mailing address.

Dr Virginia Osborne is a co-founder of International IV Nutritional Therapy forPhysicians. She has lectured and developed workshops on IV nutrition, anti-aging, Chelation, clinical emergency medicine and oncology management.

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Dr. Dan Carter has been in practice since 1994 and was a full-time faculty member at National College of Naturopathic Medicine from 1996-2003. He created the I.V. services department at NCNM Natural Health Centers where he was a clinical supervisor.

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Dr. Paul Anderson is CEO of the Anderson Medical Group which includes Advanced Medical Therapies, a state of the art medical center providing fully compliant IV, Hyperbaric and Mild Hyperthermia therapies.

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Dr Shawna Kiker is the Medical Director and Co-Owner of Holistic Therapies LLC in Evergreen, Colorado, and practicing Naturopathic Medicine with emphasis in chronic disease, endocrinology, pediatrics and family practice.

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Dr. Cochran strives for innovation and success in clients. He has a passion for education, guidance and outside the box thoughts to create and engage clients to reach peak performance. Dr. Cochran received his Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. He founded Interactive Health Clinic, with specialty focuses in functional/biological medicine, regenerative medicine, integrative oncology, and health aging.

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Kelly has been a RN for nearly three decades and still has the energy and enthusiasm she had when she first started her career as a new nurse. Her experience has been diverse and covers all age groups – Oncology, Renal, Endocrine, ICU, Pediatric ICU, Neonatal ICU, Administration, Clinical Nurse Educator, Infusion Nursing, Integrative Health, Integrative Consulting, and teaching.

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Our friend and colleague Dr. Walter Crinnion passed away on March 11, 2019. Dr. Crinnion practiced Naturopathic Medicine from 1982 until his untimely death. Dr. Crinnion was a leader and teacher of Environmental Medicine internationally.

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